We all have doodled sometime or other at the back of our notebooks, on sheets of paper, sitting somewhere trying to escape the perceived confines of time. We are trying to lose ourselves in the wide grasslands of our imagination where any landscape might spring up anywhere, anytime. Better still maybe we are trying to enter uncharted territories and be without fear. To me a doodle is a restricted expression of day dreams. But what does it tell us about the creator of the doodle, and why do most of us try to cover it up, no sooner have we created it. Snuck up, hidden amongst the last pages I lie For space, with secret loves and to do lists I vie Subconscious ruminations of a tired, bored mind Meditative peace and silence is what they hope to find I could be squiggly, sharp, or without a defined shape My naked existence with words and line you often drape Why would you create me in the first place? If later you would try and blend my birth trace Surprised or ev...