
Showing posts from September, 2017


The yellow butterflies flittered from one flower to another. The flowers had dressed themselves up in simple, monochromatic shades of yellow, bluntly refusing to wear the multi-coloured dress that Madam spring had strewn for them. Madam spring would have to visit other gardens and convince the flowers in those gardens, to try out the colourful ware she had prepared specifically for this time of the year. The butterflies themselves were attired in random black spots jumping into a sea of yellow. I have always believed that colour was nature’s way of bestowing beauty on these winged plunderers of pollens and consumers of nectar. Sometimes it would make me wonder if there are there certain conceptions of beauty which are universal in nature and that go beyond ‘the eyes of beholder’. I kept layering my thoughts one over other in an attempt to build a coherent structure and the butterflies kept moving from one pale flower to another, occasionally resting on the bright green leaves. ...