

The yellow butterflies flittered from one flower to another. The flowers had dressed themselves up in simple, monochromatic shades of yellow, bluntly refusing to wear the multi-coloured dress that Madam spring had strewn for them. Madam spring would have to visit other gardens and convince the flowers in those gardens, to try out the colourful ware she had prepared specifically for this time of the year. The butterflies themselves were attired in random black spots jumping into a sea of yellow. I have always believed that colour was nature’s way of bestowing beauty on these winged plunderers of pollens and consumers of nectar. Sometimes it would make me wonder if there are there certain conceptions of beauty which are universal in nature and that go beyond ‘the eyes of beholder’. I kept layering my thoughts one over other in an attempt to build a coherent structure and the butterflies kept moving from one pale flower to another, occasionally resting on the bright green leaves. ...


We all try to lose ourselves, sometimes to run away from ourselves and sometimes from people we know, or maybe more from people who know us. Sometimes it feels liberating to be able to hide yourself, from your own thinking for a few moments. A few moments of I-lessness, a few moments of not belonging to yourself but to everyone and everything around. Sometimes I try and loose, loose myself in crowded places, Trying to be just one, one amongst the million faces In the random cacophony of life I strive to find The white noise, trying to drown the thoughts in my mind Sometimes I wish, I was simply not present anywhere No data points, no social media updates to share Personification of Heisenberg’s principle of uncertainty I wouldn't be able to ascertain my position or velocity I could become a speck, but yet my ego covers the universe How then could I get free from I – the identity’s curse And thus I keep trying till my eyes shut and memory hazes ...


We all have doodled sometime or other at the back of our notebooks, on sheets of paper, sitting somewhere trying to escape the perceived confines of time. We are trying to lose ourselves in the wide grasslands of our imagination where any landscape might spring up anywhere, anytime. Better still maybe we are trying to enter uncharted territories and be without fear. To me a doodle is a restricted expression of day dreams. But what does it tell us about the creator of the doodle, and why do most of us try to cover it up, no sooner have we created it. Snuck up, hidden amongst the last pages I lie For space, with secret loves and to do lists I vie Subconscious ruminations of a tired, bored mind Meditative peace and silence is what they hope to find I could be squiggly, sharp, or without a defined shape My naked existence with words and line you often drape Why would you create me in the first place? If later you would try and blend my birth trace Surprised or ev...


Cold sweat broke on my forehead. The time was less than an hour away, and the hands of clock refused to let up on their internal perpetual race with each other. I did not know what to do, my head started to swirl I felt high, dizzy and for one of the few times I could actually feel the earth rotating. Funny how life can show you what science has always told you. My hands were trembling and my hollow gaze followed the clocks with hands still racing. 50 minutes:  That is all I had before I turned thirty. How did this happen, who got me here, and more importantly when? I must have been kidnapped and put in a time free zone because I certainly did not age but everyone around me seemed to be aging. Why then did I not remember being kidnapped? Thirty would be three decades and that was a long time. In today’s fast paced world of T20 cricket, thirty is the new century. I shuddered at the blasphemous thought. What would go first my hair, health or lifestyle? Would I lose my friends,...


A melancholy evening is where I stood. The day had passed somehow; at times painstakingly slow, at other times without even letting me know. But it had passed and now the evening stared at me. Why, why did the evening stare at me with this cold, hollow gaze? I know the night would come soon and I would get lost in it, engulfed in darkness, peaceful in sleep. But how do I reach the night without crossing the unending chasm of evening. The evening got more plangent as the drops of time dripped into the ocean of day. I wish I could handle it better; maybe I could sleep through it. But I knew sleeping would only push me into deeper throes of unexplained, unreasonable pain, a pain ironically created out of vacuum. Why was all this so difficult? Image from: As a kid, I would look forward to evenings, time to play, to see the sunset and also to see a flock of birds returning home to family and safety. This has always been my favorite feeling and makes...


A friend who is true is  possibly the best gift anyone can ask for and maybe I was looking for someone, sometime. This is one of my really old poems that I had the pleasure of finding written in margins of an even older book. While reading it now I wondered if I was still searching for that elusive best friend. And the one word answer is NO :) because I guess I made myself, my best friend. And I believe that liberates one from a plethora of pretenses, setting you free to enjoy your life the way you would want to. In darkness your face was a shadow I wandered everywhere to locate you I kept on looking, searching and roving Trying hard to find a friend who is true. Sometimes the darkness fooled my eyes Other times I was blinded by bright light I kept on looking, searching and roving Looking for you somewhere in my sight. Tears were streaming down my face And the dark clouds had already flown I kept on looking, searching and roving Wondering...


Time is a manifestation of chance. Well some would argue the other way, but everything around us the whole universe included, is just a manifestation of chance. And yet we continuously tend to ignore this Creator. Chance is nothing but randomness, yet we are so uncomfortable with this randomness. We crave for security, in every aspect of our life. But what if we changed our way of looking, just saying I want randomness, I want surprises. That is awesomeness, it is not the absence of insecurity or of fear or sadness but our ability to cope with and enjoy these emotions too; after all that’s what they are emotions. I know you are smirking…easier said than done   J   I couldn’t have agreed more. But these thoughts are maybe the first step (probably the easiest ones) towards any action. Passing by another day and another night The old eyes of time rarely lose sight Picking randomly much to chance’s delight Crowning some & leaving others to...