The Phoenix !!

The phoenix rises from ashes like hopes from rubble of shattered dreams, like smiles from the lips of a broken heart. The phoenix is a heart that loves even after it gets broken time and again, the phoenix is a mother who keeps the faith in her child no matter what, and the phoenix is all those who chose to dream again. We are all phoenixes in our lives, dreams and aspirations. Life and chance may shatter our dreams but what makes a phoenix is the spirit which no one can break.
Someday we know we too will spread our wings and soar like the mythical bird, the world can char our feathers in the fire of hate, ingratitude or simple apathy. But the fire does burn out, the ashes do collect and the spirit glides on beyond growing stronger. The phoenix is symbolic of life, love and growth and these are the symbols which give meaning to rebirth of self and soul.

I shall rise again, yet again from the charred ashes
My soul cannot be destroyed in mortal clashes

The fire burning me is both within and outside
But on the waves of tear and sorrow i will ride

I will rise again in dreams of a tired exhausted eye
I will rise again in aspirations emanating from a sigh

I will rise again in the smile of a tear soaked lip
I will rise again even after existing life's last drip

I am the phoenix I shall glide, soar and fly high
I am the phoenix the perpetual owner of the sky.


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