Waiting for me !!

Well here is something I wrote quite a few years back, more than 4 to 5 years ago...just found it somewhere so thought I would put it up. It is strange to think how optimistic I was about love and how I've changed. Not that I have become pessimist, just that more real. Life has a way of giving one the lesson they are always trying to duck, but it's all worth the journey in the end. I used to believe in miracles of love, now I believe in miracles of life. Life is more than just one emotion even if that emotion is something as strong as love.

This poem was written while travelling and talks about someone madly in love and willing to sacrifice that for what he believes to be an eventual good, when somewhere he realizes it would be foolish to do so. And he returns back to.....

The rhythmic movements of the train,
Resonated in the silence of my brain.
Outside the melodious wet rain,
Slowly calmed and soothed my pain.

A water drop on my hand started to play,
Maybe a drop of rain that had lost it's way,
Or a tear that had managed to get away,
Cause in my sad eyes it didn't want to stay.

I was leaving you, my life behind,
When I knew I would never find,
Someone like you, far or near
But no more was that my greatest fear

I wanted to see you happy, set you free
With me or whosoever you chose to be
But I couldn't see that happening anymore
So I decided to leave your shore

You wanted me, you love me I know
But with heavy heart I prepare to go
When all this is over, this pain, this fuss
Then you and I would be finally US.

And then suddenly I realize
To leave you wasn't wise
I had to be with you there
And your pain we would share.

Now excited I decided to return
Hoping for you I'd still be the one
At the next station I got down
Took another train towards your town

Approaching my last stop I could see
Smile on a tear stained face and you waiting for me.


  1. I wonder how can any one...I mean any one.. write so beautifully...Simple loved it...:) :)

  2. Thanks Harleen :) you made me smile, guess you are just biased towards what i write...but so glad that u could connect to what i wrote...though i think this is highly cheesy and wishful kind of writing:)


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