The Night Time !!

Another one of my older stuff, trying to explore the night time, when all of us are sleeping, getting over what happened during the course of day and hoping for an even better tomorrow. Some making promises to themselves that tomorrow would be different, others thanking God for the day they had, slowly creeping into the wonderland of dreams. Some of us are waiting for sleep and others struggle to keep awake. Some listen to the eerie silence of the night and others are trying to differentiate the call of night birds against the backdrop of traffic. But what about the night, it stays awake slithering between empty spaces, hiding from light. Night is wonderful, with it's promises of sleep it mitigates our pain; and with it's promises of morning it gives us hope. Night brings along darkness, which hides away the stark reality and lets us dream. Maybe that is why most of the impractical but wonderful suggestions are made ...