Rituals and Movements !!

Is change natural? Of course it is look at the sun, the earth, seasons, day and night. But beyond the obvious change there is a backdrop of stability. For the sun it is longevity, for the seasons it is cyclicity. Drawing inspiration from nature is a basic human characteristic and one that I believe holds us in good stead. So to deal with change and underlying inertia of our lives I believe it is equally important to deal with it by juxtapositioning using both ritual with movement.

Rituals:These are small practices that help us maintain our identity. Rituals could vary from saying a prayer in the morning to going for a run/swim during the day. They could be working for someone once a day, helping your grandparents, smiling when meeting people; anything that you believe defines a part of you that will not change. A ritual gives us a sense when we are inundated by change in all aspects of life. When everything around you is swaying you hold on these rituals to keep you grounded.

Movements: This refer to getting up and getting work done, the ability to beat inertia and keep the momentum going. No excuses, no procrastination, simply getting work done, why ? Because there is no right time, the best time to complete anything is now. (As I am hopeful of doing with this blog :) )

The waves of moments on the beaches of time,
Sychronising with the symphony of universe’s rhyme,
Kept repeating the melody periodically, now and again,
But the waves kept changing and so did the sand’s grain.

Standing afar the beach would always look the same,
But with each and every wave, a new change came,
One that would go unnoticed and peacefully dead,
Cause there were other distractions in our head.

To notice the difference, life’s constant churn,
Sometimes meant taking an untried new turn,
The walls of inertia needed to be broken through,
Beyond which the valley of life lay fresh and anew.

Change: the beauty of life.


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