A melancholy evening is where I stood. The day had passed somehow; at times painstakingly slow, at other times without even letting me know. But it had passed and now the evening stared at me. Why, why did the evening stare at me with this cold, hollow gaze? I know the night would come soon and I would get lost in it, engulfed in darkness, peaceful in sleep. But how do I reach the night without crossing the unending chasm of evening. The evening got more plangent as the drops of time dripped into the ocean of day. I wish I could handle it better; maybe I could sleep through it. But I knew sleeping would only push me into deeper throes of unexplained, unreasonable pain, a pain ironically created out of vacuum. Why was all this so difficult? Image from: LuvARiddle.wordpress.com As a kid, I would look forward to evenings, time to play, to see the sunset and also to see a flock of birds returning home to family and safety. This has always been my favorite feeling and makes...